At Abbeymount Studios, Easter Road, Edinburgh
We’re super excited to announce the launch of Gocco Club, a free programme of weekly T-shirt making workshops for young people.
Gocco Club is a chance to design, hand-print and (hopefully!) sell your own T-shirts at our dedicated print room at Abbeymount Studios.
This is a free opportunity for 18-24 year olds who are not in education, training or employment. We have 8 places available on the programme, with priority given to young people in receipt of Universal Credit.
Don’t worry if you’ve never printed before! We’re not looking for experts, we’re looking for a diverse group with a range of different abilities and skills who are up for having fun and trying something new.
Taster day: Friday 10 Sept 2021, 10 – 5pm
Interested in attending the taster day?
Taster day – Friday 10 September
Weekly workshops: Fridays 17 Sept / 24 Sept / 1 Oct / 8 Oct
10am-1pm Morning session
1-2pm Lunch break (food will be provided)
2-5pm Afternoon session
The workshop will be based at Out of the Blue Abbeymount Studios at the top of Easter Road. It’s the big old school building, you can’t miss it!
We will be organising a stall for selling the T-shirts on Saturday 9 October.

What is Gocco?
Gocco is a type of Japanese screen-making process that can be used to screenprint designs onto t-shirts, tote bags and more.
It’s faster, cleaner and more environmentally friendly than traditional screenprinting.
Find out more about the Gocco process here.
Gocco Club Collective
After the initial pilot project, we hope to offer regular weekly Friday drop-in sessions from October to December 2021. Our hope is that this week-long project will be the start of something bigger, leading to a self-sustaining collective of like-minded people.
For more information please contact the Blueprint studio on 0131 555 4604

The Gocco Club pilot project is part of the Scottish Government’s Get Into Summer programme.

The ongoing Gocco Club is part of Out of the Blueprint’s creative programme, funded by the Scottish Government’s Youth Arts Fund through Creative Scotland with support from Youth Music Initiative and Time to Shine. The Youth Arts Fund ensures creative opportunities for children and young people continue to exist across Scotland despite the COVID-19 pandemic.