My name is Kieren and I was a trainee back in January to August 2018. I first came on the bus with Becky who was my support worker at Thistle Foundation. There was lots of artwork laid out on the tables, and this inspired me to be a trainee
When I was a trainee at Blueprint Johnny and Beth supported me when I wasn’t sure. They taught me new skills, like the cutting machine, and I always had a positive experience. I wasn’t into drawing beforehand, I used to think art was just a fancy scribble, but they inspired me into drawing. I think I know why I want to be the next Stan Lee because of them! I now hope others are inspired by my work. The best thing about the Out of the Blue Drill Hall is they give a great birthday. I got a special card, a cake from the cafe and I even sold my first print!
“Being a trainee at Blueprint was the best work placement I’ve ever done. For me, Blueprint gave a better experience of the workplace – the staff had lots of patience, and were optimistic, looking to the positives rather than what I couldn’t do, or had forgotten how to do.”
They even let me print my art work off while when I was a trainee. And I also enjoyed my time in the cafe, and had a real good laugh with the cafe staff.
I’d definitely recommend Out of the Blue Drill Hall for any other young people who are interested in a traineeship. If I had a second chance of being a trainee at Blueprint again I would do because I’d love to volunteer at the Drill Hall. I still come to the table tennis night Wiff Waff and the monthly print jams.
I’m now in my second year at college, studying, and I also have got involved in a Young Leaders programme run by Arc Scotland. We all have our own experiences and together as a team we want to use these experiences to help others who have the similar experience that there is always another way, and show people they are not alone, bring our own ideas to the table about want we want to help today’s society. My idea would to create a community called Dreamers Assemble, where people with dreams come together and share their dreams and express themselves, because I believe that dreams are a part of us!
Contact details
Out of the Blueprint
The Drill Hall
32-36 Dalmeny Street
Edinburgh EH6 8RG
Tue – Fri, 10am – 5pm
pickup by appointment
0131 555 4604
Out of the Blueprint was set up in 2015 as part of the #artcore youth arts project, supported by Creative Scotland’s
Time to Shine initiative, Young Start and The Robertson Trust.
We are currently supported by Baillie Gifford, the William Grant foundation, Creative Scotland and The Robertson Trust.